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Curriculum and Instruction Department

Curriculum and Instruction

Curriculum and Instruction Personnel

Portrait of A. Spencer

Allison Spencer

Instructional Technology 

Portrait Photo of S. Williams

Sarah Williams

Emergent Bilingual Coordinator

Portrait of P. Turner

Patti Turner

District Librarian



Portrait of S. Matthews

Sabrina Matthews

Curriculum and Instruction Secretary 

Portrait Picture of Dickens

Michelle Dickens

District Testing Coordinator

Library and Research Resources

MISD Dual Credit Program

Trinity Valley Community College (TVCC) and Malakoff High School collaboration allows students who reside in the Malakoff Independent School District to achieve college credit in college preparatory courses while earning a high school diploma.


2024-2024 TVCC and MISD Dual Credit Agreement

2023-2024 TVCC and MISD Dual Credit Agreement

TVCC Resource and Contact Information

Have questions about Dual Credit? Click Here to visit the MHS Academic Counseling Page, or contact your MHS counselor.

11th/12th Grade: Natalie Preston

9th/10th Grade: Jerri Cheek



TVCC logo and MISD Logo. Text Reads MISD and TVCC

Textbooks and Instructional Materials

Malakoff ISD follows the guidelines of the Texas Education Agency in adoption of instructional materials. “Instructional materials are any medium or a combination of media that convey the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) of a subject in the public-school curriculum to a student, including materials such as lesson plans or grading rubrics. Texas Education Agency (TEA) supports and coordinates the review and approval of instructional materials by the State Board of Education (SBOE), as well as provides oversight for their statewide use” (TEA Instructional Materials). 

Adoption Cycle


Credit by Exam



For information about where to view samples of MISD instructional materials, contact Alli Spencer

Parent and Public Information

Parents/Families can find more information at the link below on the review and approval process for materials, to review available instructional materials, and to learn how to submit comments to TEA. 

Instructional Materials Information for Parents and the Public